fakeproj: DevOps for Dummies

This documentation is intended to serve as a self-paced tutorial to familiarise Python developers with various tools that can help them develop, maintain and publish better code while making the experience a lot more enjoyable. The repository contains sample files that demonstrate all the functionality that we discuss in this tutorial. Ideally, one should start from an empty repository and follow along the various sections below to write code, documentation & tests and then configure the build and deployment systems, referring to the sample code whenever necessary. Originally intended for scientific software developers coming from a non Software Engineering background, the tutorial mainly focuses on developing python libraries (as opposed to webapps). However, much of the information here is applicable and transferable to other domains of software development as well.

What this tutorial isn’t, is an in-depth treatment of the various tools we describe. Almost always, we will provide a brief introduction and give a taste of what all can be done using a particular tool and then include links to documentation and tutorials that do a better job in giving you a step-by-step guide to using said tools.